So I suggested that he go out on his own and start his own medical practice, and I would open my own law firm back where I was practicing. Meanwhile, I was equally frustrated with “big law firm” politics and such. (You can probably see why there was a need for margaritas!)

I also witnessed his general unhappiness with working for “big corporate.” He often offered fantastic suggestions to the powers that be, only to have those suggestions fall on deaf ears. So every time I visited, I noticed he would bring home a list of cases that said in large print at the top “Must be read by Heather’s brother-in-law only.” (Well, that wasn’t exactly the verbiage, but you get the point.) I witnessed this over and over, year after year. (Pssttt… hint hint – wear sunscreen!) And there’s a lot of skin cancer in Arizona! A determine-if-you’ve-got-cancer-and-will-die-this-year, or you-got-lucky-this-time-and-are-in-the-clear doctor.
My brother-in-law is a dermatopathologist (no, I don’t expect you to know what that is, much less how to pronounce it… Just know that it takes 8 years in addition to the 4 years of medical school and 4 years of college to gain that unpronounceable title! So it must be important!) And he is arguably the best in his field. Long, long ago, way back in the infancy of my trial lawyer days when I used to visit my sister and brother-in-law for holidays, a great idea was born. And that’s particularly true if it’s the napkin from a classic margarita. Some of the greatest things begin on a cocktail napkin.